2nd of Ramadan

2nd of Ramadan

We ask Allah (SWT) to give us protection on the day when the unjust one will bite his hand, wishing he listened to the message of Allah (SWT). In this verse, Allah (SWT) refers to the unjust as the one who received guidance but went astray afterward.

This verse refers to me and you; we have received guidance which is why we are Muslim but have we gone astray?

What are we doing to ensure we are not the ones who will bite our hands? How can we ensure we follow the path Allah (SWT) wants us to follow?

Take a minute to reflect; what did you do today that brought you closer to Allah (SWT)? On the other hand, what could you have done that took you away from Allah (SWT)? How can you make sure you don't do that again tomorrow?
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