29th of Ramadan

29th of Ramadan

Can you believe the month of Ramadan ends tomorrow? I am definitely in shock.

Before Ramadan, I spoke to a classmate/peer in school about this month because I knew I would miss a few (πŸ™Š) classes. She was shocked that we fasted for 29/30 days and then went to the mosque. I clearly remember what she said; I can tell how excited you are for this month.

And it’s so true, Ramadan is a time that we look forward to. While fasting is challenging, the peace and tranquility you feel during this month are unmatched. This is because Allah (SWT) welcomes us to this month, and we use this month to grow closer to Him.

This month is about (re)submitting ourselves to Allah (SWT). Often we are busy and don’t get the chance to grow closer to him, so we use this month to grow closer to him. To remind ourselves that our goal is to grow closer to Him by submitting ourselves to Him.
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