16th of Ramadan

16th of Ramadan

These three lines, yesterday, today, and tomorrow, all talk about how we are here for a short time.
While we theoretically know that we will not live forever, these lines remind us.
One thing we need to focus on is repentance. Nobody is perfect, including us; however, we must strive to be the best servant of Allah (SWT). One thing is to ask for repentance constantly.
Recently I saw a quote that said Every night, I ask for repentance for sins I committed during the day. By doing this, I am showing Allah (SWT) my commitment to him. I hope that by me doing this little bit Allah (SWT) accepts my repentance and helps me to stop committing these sins.
We are transient, and Allah (SWT) will live forever; who can have mercy on us except the one who will live forever?
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