12th of Ramadan

12th of Ramadan

Allah (SWT) is Al-Khaliq, which means he is the creator of everything. While scrolling on Instagram one day, someone wrote, “We plan, and Allah plans, and surely Allah is the best of planners as he is the one who created everything.”

That hit home for me. When things go wrong, I know I often think, why did this happen to me? Why did I have to hit this roadblock in life? Recently, I started to change my perspective. Instead of questioning why things are not going the way I thought they should go, I should be thanking Allah (SWT) for opening my eyes, especially when I was ignoring the red flags. My ultimate goal is to get closer to him, and anything that steers me away from this goal should not be in my life.

Join me in making a dua. Oh, Allah (SWT), you are the creator of all good; help us make a path to you, help us spiritually grow closer to you, and lastly, allow us to recognize every that is taking us away from you, for being close to you is our ultimate goal.

We are created, and Allah (SWT) is Creator; who can have mercy on us except the Creator?
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