11th of Ramadan

11th of Ramadan

When you are in trouble, who do you call upon? When I feel like things are out of my control, I sit on my prayer mat and ask Allah (SWT) to help me because he is mighty, and I am low.

But why do we usually only turn to Allah (SWT) when we are in need? Do we only recognize his worth when we need help or are in trouble? Why don’t we acknowledge that he is mighty when we are happy or have a dull day?
Imam Ali (AS) turned to Allah (SWT) on all occasions, which is a lesson I know I can take from this dua. Allah (SWT) is always with us and is mighty while I am low, so I turn to him in every situation.

We are low, and Allah (SWT) is mighty; who can have mercy on us except the Mighty?
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