4th of Ramadan

4th of Ramadan

AS-SALAM, The Giver of Peace

Who feels like they were running around this morning (or anytime this week) like a chicken without their head? When I am running late for my 8:30 AM class (almost always),  I feel worried and stressed that I will get into traffic or forget something at home amidst the chaos in the morning. 

Now with the time change, I take a break between the madness to pray  Fajr Namaaz and suddenly feel this peace in my heart. Does this happen to you? 

Isn't it so powerful to suddenly forget your worries when you start to say your namaaz?! Aren't we so lucky to have a Creator who tells us to give Him our worries while He fills our hearts with peace and tranquility?!

Today's Journal Prompts:

  1. What is your favorite way to talk to Allah (SWT)? 
  2. How does this make you feel?
  3. What is one time that you felt peace today? 
  4. When something feels tough, how can we remember to talk to Allah (SWT) about it as He gives us peace?


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