2nd of Ramadan

2nd of Ramadan

AR- RAHEEM, the Merciful

How was your fast yesterday? Isn't it funny how we worry about fasting (I know I do), yet when Ramadan comes, we fast with tranquility and ease? Don't get me wrong, we do have our off days! 

Allah (SWT) is Ar-Raheem and bestows mercy on us so that we can overcome tasks like fasting. The Holy Quran says, "Allah (SWT) does not require of any soul more than what it can afford" (2:286). 

Isn't that just amazing that we have a creator who bestows so much mercy on us that He doesn't give us anything we can't handle? Let us keep this in mind when we are having a hard day or overcoming what seems to be an impossible task. 

Let us reflect, Allah (SWT) gives us so much mercy, just as we should show mercy to ourselves and others. 

Today's Journal Prompts:

  1. What aspects of yourself would you like to work on for this month?
  2. What steps need to be taken to make these improvements?
  3. Why are these improvements important to you? Something we always try to keep in mind is what will take us closer to Allah (SWT) 
  4. It’s important to recognize the mercy Allah has on us and that we should be merciful to ourselves. What is one thing you can do for yourself today?
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