28th of Ramadan

28th of Ramadan

AL-HAYY, The Ever-Living

Nobody is perfect, we strive to make Allah (SWT) happy and we try our best but we are not perfect. However Allah (SWT) is perfect and ever-living. 

In Surah Ikhlas, Allah (SWT) say “Allah- the Sustainer, who is needed by all” (112:2) and what better way to say it. Allah (SWT) the ever living is the sustainer of all of us and we are all in need of Him, but He is self-sustaining and   has no external source. 

A concept that comes to mind when we talk about this is pride, how can we be the  servants of Allah (SWT) and have pride when we are dependent on him? How can we control our pride?  

When we chose the name for Hayy&Co, we wanted to be reminded of the Ever-Living and so through using all of our products we are reminded of Allah throughout your day.

Today's Journal Prompts:

  1. How are we dependent on Allah (SWT)?
  2. Think of an instance where you were proud of of something that only Allah (SWT) knew of, how did that make you feel? 
  3. How does it bring comfort to you knowing your creating is the ever-living, and have control over all thing?
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