27th of Ramadan

27th of Ramadan

AL-QAYYOOM, The Sustainer

When you are were little you were dependent on your mother for everything. When you were hungry you cried when you were tired you cried and when you needed a diaper change you cried. As you got older you became more independent. You were able to walk and talk and soon drive. Your mother will forever be by your side as you take on the world and you will always depend on her for support. 

But the ultimate supporter is the one who is the Sustainer, Allah (SWT). In this way Allah (SWT) is providing everything for you we should listen to what He instructs us to do. Let us think about prayers. Do we really establish prayer like Allah (SWT) ask us to? Or do you fit your prayers around your daily routine?

Today's Journal Prompts:

  1. What can you do to plan your day around your prayers? 
  2. Do you understand what you are saying when you are praying? 
  3. What can you do to have a better connection with Allah (SWT) when praying? 
  4. Focus on praying your salah on time this week. We can check back in to keep ourselves on track! POLL: who is up for the challenge? Definitely, going to try!
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