22nd of Ramadan

22nd of Ramadan

AL-‘ALEE, The Most High

In Eid Namaaz, we recite Surah ‘Alaa, which is following the sunnah of the Prophet as he used to recite it as well. In the first ayat we start by saying “Glory to my Lord, the Most High” (87:1)

What a way to start your prayers by praising Allah (SWT). 

A companion of the Prophet once asked,It when are we the closest to the Most-High, Allah (SWT)? The Prophet replied, You are the closest to Allah (SWT) when you are in the lowest position, in sujood.  Let us longer our sujood time so that we can spend time with the Most-High. 

Today's Journal Prompts:

  1. When you pray your namaaz, what are you going to talk to Allah (SWT) about?
  2. How can you make this sujood apart of your everyday routine?
  3. Let us not forget those who are suffering around the world. Be sure to recite a dua for them as well.
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