19th of Ramadan

19th of Ramadan

AL-‘ATHEEM, The Magnificent, 

Isn’t it magnificent that we have such an amazing creator? What is it about Allah (SWT) that is just magnificent? One thing that I am always in awe of is the Holy Quran. When I open up the Holy Quran I am in awe of the amazing words of wisdom that we are given. 

Yesterday night, we sat and did amaals, we read dua and prayed. Today we will share a few of our favorite lines from the duas and ponder with us on these lines. As well as for today’s journal prompts relating to Al-Lateef. 

One of my favorite duas is Munajat of Imam Ali. We start this dua by asking for protection from Day of Judgement.

In this Dua we say “And I ask You for protection on the day when a man shall flee from his brother, and his mother, his father, his spouse, and his children, each one of them on that day will have a concern which will occupy him” (80:34) Are we prepared for this day? What can we do to better prepare ourselves for Day of Judgement?

In this Dua we say “My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Master and I am the Slave, and who else can be merciful to the slave except the Master?” Let us recognize the magnificent Master we have that He is so merciful to us. As we go about our day, let us think of the things Allah (SWT) has granted us with.

Today's Journal Prompts:

  1. What is something about Allah (SWT) that is magnificent?
  2. As we go through our day, let us think about the people we are surrounded with. Today let us thank Allah for being magnificent and surrounding us with people who help us worship him and lead us to him. 
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