15th of Ramadan

15th of Ramadan

AL-WADOOD, The Most Loving

I read online recently that you should love everything for the sake of Allah (SWT) and it gave the example of your parents. Everyone loves their parents, but if you tell yourself that you love your parents because Allah (SWT) tells you to love your parents, then this act, of loving your parents, becomes ibaadah. Isn’t that amazing? 

We have such merciful creator who is so loving and wants only the best for us. It really shows how much Allah (SWT) loves us. 

Today, we celebrate the birthday of Imam Hassan (AS) and what better way to celebrate his birthday than to make a promise in his name.

Today's Journal Prompts:

  1. What is something you love about yourself? 
  2. What is something you are proud of yourself for doing? 
  3. What is one thing that makes you, you?
  4. What is one way we can strive to change in the name of Imam Hassan (AS)?
  5. Let us thank Allah (SWT) for giving us these qualities and for giving us love and support.
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