14th of Ramadan

14th of Ramadan

AS-SAMEE’, The All-Hearing

Have you recited Quran today? What about this week? We are in the month where reciting Quran gives us so much sawab but sometimes (including me) get to busy and forget to take time out of the day to recite the Holy Quran. 

Allahs (SWT) is the All-Hearing and asks us to recite the Qur’an. Let us make a promise to Allah (SWT) and ourselves to be more regular in reciting the Quran. 

Allah (SWT) doesn’t only want us to hear the beautiful recitation of Quran, He also want to make sure we are speaking in a way He likes. This means being kind in our word choice.

Today's Journal Prompts:

  1. How many times have you recited Quran this week? 
  2. How can we make Quran a priority?
  3. How do you feel after you recite Quran (Even if its one ayat)?
  4. Think of interactions you have had with your friends, parents, children and others this past week? Do you think Allah (SWT) would be pleased with how you spoke to them? 
  5. How can we change to ensure that Allah (SWT) is always happy with us?
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