12th of Ramadan

12th of Ramadan

AR-RAZZAAQ, The Provider

We are so blessed to be able to have the best provider, one who tells us “Call upon Me, I will respond to you.” (40:60) Allah (SWT) tell us that He is alway here for us and we can always call on him as He provides everything for us. 

Allah (SWT) also tells us to not to be wasteful in what He has provided us. Let’s take a look in our closets, how many clothes just sit there? Do all of the clothes even fit us? Allah (SWT) has provided us with all of these items however we don’t even use all of them. We can donate these clothes to those who need them or make a conscious effort to wear everything in our closet.

Today's Journal Prompts:

  1. Who has a favorite shirt/hijab? 
  2. How many times do you wear this shirt/hijab?
  3. Are there other piece of clothing that you haven’t worn in the past month?
  4. Let’s clean out our clothes! Looking through your clothes and scarfs and find ones that you haven’t worn in the last 6 months. Put them in a bag and drop it off at a donation site near you.
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